You Create. I Create. We all Create Victoria

LandSec, Victoria

Appointed to lead the repositioning of Victoria, to change long-held negative perceptions, establish it as a leading West End destination, and create a vibrant and fashionable place to live, work and enjoy. Created and implemented a hugely successful marketing campaign that evolved and flexed to meet leasing targets and support LandSec’s £2.2 billion investment in the area.

  • Place-making: Led the repositioning of Victoria, to change long-held negative perceptions, & establish it as a leading West End destination - a vibrant & fashionable place to live, work, shop, play and enjoy.

    Campaign Implementation: Developed & implemented the “Create Victoria” commercial, stakeholder and consumer campaigns that evolved & flexed to meet leasing targets & support the £2.2 billion investment in the area

    Collaborations: Negotiated targeted media collaborations with Vogue (UK) & GQ magazine resulting in a palpable shift in perceptions & the area being labelled “London’s newest fashion hub” (Vogue).

    Advocates: Identified and recruited influential advocates in the fields of art, fashion, architecture & design, food & philanthropy to feature in adverts, hoardings & films that were shared across digital channels and print media

    Events: Delivered a series of opinion changing “In-Conversations” with Grayson Perry (Artist), Dylan Jones (GQ Editor) & Joe Cerrell (Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation) to draw in audiences from our key target occupier lists

    Insight: Instigated and developed the annual audience perception research that saw significant uplift in positive perceptions of Victoria, year on year, and demonstrating a strong ROI in terms of changing attitudes

Creative: ShowMedia

