A new place of beauty and opportunity for West Sussex

Kingswood, Our Place

Delivered a hearts and minds campaign for a proposed new settlement in West Sussex to engage local people and influential stakeholders to generate a continuous flow of positive, emotive and compelling stories to counteract any negativity and go some way to changing long-held negative perceptions and counter often ill-founded NIMBY arguments around housing development.  Utilised all the marketing to channels to engage with people of different ages, backgrounds and interests.

Simultaneously led a political comms consultancy to engage widely with West Sussex County Council and members, to educate and advocate for the benefits of a walkable and sustainable new settlements that provide jobs as well as homes vs urban sprawl, using engaging and emotive content, campaigning for it to be the preferred option in Horsham’s Local Plan.

Creative: bBelief Studio
Website: Paul Summerfield


Karen is a highly skilled and personable marketing expert who has made a significant contribution to a range of built environment projects for me. She has the ability to simplify sometimes complex messages and understands that the key to winning hearts and minds is to be intelligible and inspiring to the audience, truly understanding their position. I would recommend Karen in any role where there is a need to influence and make progress, forging genuine partnerships with innovative ideas and human solutions”.

Dominic Richards, Founder and Chair of Our Place


North Barnes Farm

